Atsiskyrimas nuo bažnyčios

Kas yra dievas? Kokie yra argumentai už ar prieš dievo egzistavimą? Kuri religija teisinga?
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2009-10-29 09:49

Atostogos - nieko neveikimo metas, tai kodėl gi neatsiskyrus nuo bažnyčios? Internete radau va tokias instrukcijas:
Process of Excommunication

If you want to be excommunicated, you have to go through official channels. Your local priest can't help you; instead, you must write a letter to your bishop.

Tell him where and when you were baptized (they won't excommunicate non-Catholics).

Tell him of your apostasy; you must describe both an intention of apostasy and an outward manifestation. Apostasy doesn't count if you didn't intend it or if it didn't amount to anything.

Explain that you know this means excommunication — ignorance of the penalty would get you off.

State that you do not consider yourself a Catholic anymore and want your name taken off the official rolls of Catholics.

If you don't hear back after a little bit, send the letter again — but this time registered mail with a note that this is your second attempt. If you persist, you should be successful.
Tik vat iškilo viena problema - apskritai ką reik daryt suprantu, išskyrus šitą vietą:
and an outward manifestation
Kaip čia suprast?

Ačiū ir geros dienos.

Edit: Instrukcijos iš čia
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2009-10-29 10:27

Apie apostazės procesą galima perskaityti ir čia: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1844
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