Elon Musk

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2024-03-03 19:39

sputnikglobe.com wrote: American entrepreneur and billionaire Elon Musk has asked why NATO still exists since 1991 — when the Warsaw Treaty Organization, which included the USSR, had already disintegrated.
Musk was responding to a post on social network X by billionaire David Sachs, who wrote of NATO's "existential crisis" after the collapse of the USSR. Instead of disbanding, the North Atlantic Alliance has a new mission — expansion — Sachs wrote.
🤔 Elon Musk wonders why NATO continued to exist after 1991, when the opposing bloc, the Warsaw Pact, of which the USSR was a member, disintegrated. pic.twitter.com/9SFcVUrioG

— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) March 3, 2024
He added that bureaucracies often "live their own lives" and end up creating the very problems they are supposed to solve. NATO, which was ostensibly meant to "prevent war," has expanded to Russia's borders and "tried to encircle it, provoking war."
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2024-04-20 06:35

mashable.com wrote: The Cybertruck's failure is now complete
Tesla's latest vehicle was widely mocked even before its accelerator pedal problem. Now it's a national joke.

An "unapproved lubricant" used on the Cybertruck's accelerator pad caused it to slip off and get trapped in a bit of trim above the pedal, according to a recall report [PDF] by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Every single driver who paid for a Cybertruck, all 3,878 of them, now has to haul their extremely angular EV to their local dealer in Tesla's biggest recall to date. And as with a lot of news these days, how you react to the recall likely depends on whether you're an obsessive fan of Elon Musk.
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2024-08-16 12:48

Įdomus Business Insider straipsnelis apie tai, kodėl Muskas palaiko Trumpą,* kuris negarsėja meile elektromobiliams.
Musk opened the company's investor call by saying the wave of competition killing its profits and shrinking its market share would pass, but he didn't offer any reasoning. When asked if he was worried about Trump repealing the IRA, Musk tipped his hand. He told investors that the move would be "devastating" for Tesla's competitors but less so for Tesla — in fact, "long term," he said, it would be good for Tesla. In essence this was an admission that Musk's best hope is that Trump returns to the White House and dismantles the regulatory regime that has encouraged legacy automakers to enter the EV market. The best thing for Tesla is if US legacy automakers like GM and Ford sit on the sidelines.
*Žinau šiame forume yra lėtesnių žmonių, netikėjusių, kad Muskas palaiko Trumpą, bet tikiuosi dabar ir jiems jau abejonių nebelikę.

Tik Trumpo nuomonė apie jų santykius turbūt ne visai kokios Muskas tikėjosi :)
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2024-08-16 19:13

Seianus wrote:
2024-08-16 12:48
Tik Trumpo nuomonė apie jų santykius turbūt ne visai kokios Muskas tikėjosi :)
Kiek ironiška, kad Trumpas šitoje vietoje vertina Muską tarsi pagal save. Gan senokai esu skaitęs fragmentiškus Trumpo atsiminimus/paliudijimus, kai jam pačiam savo laiku buvo gana prastokai su jo verslu. Tai iš jo prisiminimų/išsireiškimų matėsi, kad tuo metu Trumpas irgi bandė prisigerinti kažkuriems su jo verslu susijusiems partneriams ar kitokiems veikėjams. Turbūt tie veikėjai, jei mąstytų ir išsireiškinėtų lygiai taip pat kaip Trumpas, vėliau irgi kažką panašaus apie jį patį pasakytų.
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2024-08-17 05:55

Man ironiškiau, kad pasiskyręs sau iš Teslos didžiausią atlyginimą atlyginimų istorijoje (kurio teismų dėka kol kas negavo), jis taip pat meldžia valstybės išmaldos, bet kartu pasisako prieš valstybės kišimąsi į verslą, ir tyčiojasi iš Zelenskio pagalbos prašymų. Padugnė ir tiek.

Tavo „gan seniai“, „fragmentiškai“, „jei“, „turbūt“, „kažką panašaus“ turbūt neverta nė komentuoti. Nors už Steele dosjė vis dar patikimiau :)
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2024-08-17 10:14

Tiesiog prisiminiau šitoje vietoje, ką buvau skaitęs.
Man Trumpo pasisakymai apie kažkokią personą nėra joks faktorius. Man jis nepatikimas šaltinis. Ir man ameniškai atgrasus tipas. Neatmetu tikimybės, kad visai gali ir sumesti kokį "bizniuką" su Musku dėl kažko.
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2024-08-17 11:21

Svetimas wrote:
2024-08-17 10:14
Tiesiog prisiminiau šitoje vietoje, ką buvau skaitęs.
Man Trumpo pasisakymai apie kažkokią personą nėra joks faktorius. Man jis nepatikimas šaltinis. Ir man ameniškai atgrasus tipas. Neatmetu tikimybės, kad visai gali ir sumesti kokį "bizniuką" su Musku dėl kažko.
Tai be abejo, aš irgi nežinau, kaip ten iš tiesų buvo. Ne tame esmė. Smagu, kad narciziukas Muskas buvo padėtas į vietą žmogaus, kurį remia. Net ir jo „draugai“ nustoja žiūrėti į jį rimtai, didžiulis teigiamas pokytis nuo laikų, kai visi jam su malonumu čiulpdavo ir tikėdavo visais jo kliedesiais. Ir čia ne tik mano piktdžiuga, bet ir praktinė nauda, nes jis pasisakinėja įvairiausiomis politinėmis temomis, tame tarpe – Taivano ir Ukrainos, o žvaigždžių nuomonę kaip žinia žmonės vertina. Jei net „savi“ jį viešai laiko klounu, jo idiotiška nuomonė darys mažiau įtakos.

Dar vienas geras straipsnis, msn.com: Elon Musk tried to board the Trump bus. Instead he got run over.
Plenty of other people have been steamrolled by Trump. And like Musk's $45 million-a-month commitment, other billionaires have raised and donated eye-watering sums for Trump. The difference is that they don't all allow Trump to belittle them publicly. That sort of embarrassment is reserved for people who try to publicly control him or join his administration. It's only after power brokers enter Trump's domain that they begin to look bumbling and ineffectual. Musk decided to get the jump on that. After watching Trump's ego flatten anyone in its path, no one within thousands of miles of Mar-a-Lago thinks they can drive the Trump bus anymore. But evidently, Musk has been on Mars (politically).
Musk's callous, faux intellectualism used to be something only the very extremely online of us experienced; now, his involvement with Trump has blasted it through the giant megaphone of a major presidential campaign. It turns out his values crystallized into policy mean voting for a candidate who loathes the free press and wants to "drill, baby, drill." Musk used to make a lot of noise about the urgency of Earth's climate crisis. This drew billions of dollars in investment for his projects in the private and public markets. Now it seems like none of that was really serious — at least, not if he's serious about Trump.
Nelabai matau pagrindo abejoti Trumpo įspūdžiu po viso šito.
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2024-09-04 21:01

Newsweek wrote: Elon Musk has deleted a post on X, formerly Twitter, promoting former Fox News host Tucker Carlson's latest interview after receiving heavy backlash.

On September 3, Musk shared a post from Carlson which included his interview with Darryl Cooper, a podcaster who hosts the history show Martyr Made. The pair discussed the Holocaust and events of World War II, with Cooper making comments that have been widely called out for appearing sympathetic towards Hitler.

In the now-deleted post, Musk wrote that the interview was, "Very interesting. Worth watching." He quickly received severe backlash along with Carlson, as Cooper claimed in the video that the Nazis did not intend to kill millions of people, but that they instead "ended up dead" because Hitler was unprepared for war.
When discussing World War II, Cooper said that Churchill was the "chief villain of the Second World War" and that he was "primarily responsible for that war becoming what it did, becoming something other than an invasion of Poland."
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2024-09-07 01:45

Tarp investitorių, padėjusiu Muskui įsigyti Twitterį, yra porą putleriui artimų rusų oligarchų.
Elon Musk faces questions about his ties to two Russian oligarchs after a court document revealed investors in the billionaire’s acquisition of Twitter, now X.
Among the investors, venture capital firm 8VC is drawing criticism for its ties to Denis Aven and Jack Moszkowicz, the sons of Russian oligarchs Petr Aven and Vadim Moszkowicz. Both have strong political and economic ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Both men have also been subject to Western sanctions due to their associations with the Kremlin amid the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Since his acquisition of the platform, Musk has been outspoken regarding his views of Russia as well as the ongoing war, at times calling for the U.S. government to withhold aid to Ukraine.
https://www.thewrap.com/russian-oligarc ... ors-putin/
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2024-09-10 00:24

Tyčia praleidai Musko nelabai brandų (bet gana juokingą) apsižodžiavimą su EU biurokratais, ar nematei?
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2024-09-13 00:11

Muskui vėl paūmėjimas.
Following a disastrous performance by Trump during Tuesday's first presidential debate, Musk has been on a tear on his social media platform, threatening to impregnate Taylor Swift and retweeting racist MAGA memes.
Over the weekend, Musk predicted that the space company's massive Starship rocket will start making regular trips to Mars in a matter of just two years.
In a stunningly idiotic tweet, Musk asserted that "every great endeavor, from high-speed rail between our cities to making life multiplanetary," would be made "effectively illegal" if vice president Kamala Harris were to beat former president Donald Trump in the upcoming election.
Nesu tikras, ar tikrai tweetą galima pavadinti idiotišku, na plačiąja prasme taip, bet papildomai jis turbūt ieško, ant ko suversti kaltę, kai vis daugiau žmonių pradeda pastebėti, kad jo idiotiški fantastiniai pažadai nesipildo ir nesipildys.

vapula wrote:
2019-07-24 16:31
Tai Muskas dabar kaltas, kad šiandien ne 2024-tieji metai?
O šiandien?
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