Pasak NY Compost, FDA vakcinų tyrimų ir tikrinimo direktorė Marion Gruber bei direktorius Phil Krause atsistatydina iš pareigų, supykę, kad „visada pasikliausime mokslu“ Bidenas patvirtino kažkokių ten Covid-19 boosterių planą nelaukdamas jų išvadų.
nypost wrote:
Two senior officials have resigned from their positions within the US Food and Drug Administration over frustrations with the Biden administration’s plans to move forward with recommending COVID-19 booster shots without their prior approval, according to a report.
Marion Gruber, director of the FDA’s Office of Vaccines Research & Review, and deputy director Phil Krause are set to leave the agency this fall, with sources telling Politico that the two officials were at odds with the FDA’s top vaccine official, Peter Marks, and were discontented over the roles of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices in decisions that they believed should be handled by the FDA.
Ten kur Bidenas džiaugėsi, kad dronas nukovė teroristą iškart po išpuolio Kabulo oro uoste, tai pasak NY Times ir Washington Compost, tikriausiai nukovė atsitiktinį nekaltą žmogų. wrote:
The U.S. drone strike that military officials said targeted a suspected ISIS-K car bomb in Kabul during the final days of the U.S. evacuation effort may have mistakenly targeted an innocent civilian, according to an extensive investigations by the New York Times and Washington Post. Ten civilians, including seven children, were reportedly killed in the August 29 airstrike. All were members of the same extended family.
Bidenas žavėdamasis žymiai geresniu lyderiu Donaldu Trumpu nejučia ėmė su juo tapatintis ir pasiskelbė aplankęs „Tree of Life“ sinagogą po joje įvykusių žmogžudysčių. Prieš kelias dienas, pasak NY Compost, Baltiesiems rūmams teko pripažinti, kad Bidenas joje nesilankė. Tik paskambino.
Lankėsi Trumpas. wrote:
WASHINGTON — President Biden did not visit the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh after the murder of 11 congregants — despite saying so, the White House admitted Friday.
Biden on Thursday told Jewish leaders that he remembered “spending time at” and “going to” the Tree of Life, but the synagogue told The Post he never visited.