Masks demasked

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2006-10-27 15:44

Neblogas trumpas straipsnelis higienines veido kaukes, ar kaip ten jos lietuviškai vadinasi. Skiriu skepmerginoms :D
If there is one truly optional step in skin care, masks are it. Whatever miraculous properties are attributed to masks, no research supports the often dubious assertions of benefit attributed to the special muds, minerals, vitamins, or plant life these products typically contain. These exotic components range from seaweeds to volcanic earth, unusual muds, enzymes, vitamins, and just about anything else you can think of, all associated with a fantastic jumble of characteristics to make the products seem life-altering for your skin. Cellulite is smoothed, wrinkles are eliminated, and acne is cured—all with the application of a facial mask!

Many masks purport to offer the benefit of detoxifying properties. However, there is no research showing this to be the case, but the world of cosmetics or spa treatments is all about outlandish claims, not proof. To begin with, what exactly are these toxins that need to be eliminated from our bodies and that supposedly cause so many skin problems? Where is the information or data indicating exactly what toxins need to be removed from the body and how is this taking place? If it is possible to "detox" by the application of a facial mask, what biological or physiological process is taking place to allow that to happen? Are the toxins being leached through skin? Drained out of the body in some fashion? This all adds up to magic along with some murky smoke and mirrors. It isn’t based on a shred of reality.

Despite the litany of bogus claims ascribed to facial masks, I do believe they still can have benefits for some skin types. Someone with dry skin may find an emollient facial mask soothing and relaxing. Someone with oily skin may find a facial mask with oil-absorbing or soothing properties beneficial. There are gentle, well-formulated masks available that can be used as often as necessary and are indeed a worthwhile option to consider, especially as an adjunct to a sensible skin-care routine. As long as you keep your expectations realistic, masks, however optional they may be, do have their place and purpose in the world of
skin care.

(čia ir pateikiau viską kas ten yra)
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Joined: 2006-05-19 18:26

2006-10-27 18:16

Nomad wrote:Neblogas trumpas straipsnelis higienines veido kaukes, ar kaip ten jos lietuviškai vadinasi. Skiriu skepmerginoms :D
Koks jis rūpestingas :roll:

Svarbiausia nepamiršti visas kaukes retkarčiais nusiimti, kad prie veido nepriaugtų :D
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